Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Announcements for June 30, 2019


Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, June 30th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!



SAVED THROUGH WATER VBS ~ Thank you for your prayers during VBS this past week! And thank you to the many volunteers and people who donated supplies for VBS! Many VBS participants and their families were able to hear the Good News of how we are saved through water and the Word!

THANK YOU ~ Thanks to everyone who supported the mission walk at the National LWML Convention. $59,612.79 was raised for missions that day. –Nancy Holmes

COOKOUT AND LAWN GAMES ~ All are welcome to get together for a cookout on Sunday, July 7 beginning at 5 p.m. The hotdogs and burgers will be provided; please bring a side or dessert to share. If you have a lawn game you can bring, please do, so we can play some games after dinner. Please sign-up today so we can begin planning for food needs!

SUNDAY NIGHT BOOK CLUB ~We will meet again this evening at 7 p.m. If you want to join in come for discussion and a book can be delivered into your hands by midweek! This year we’re reading Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren.

FRIDAY NIGHT SHOES ~ We will meet on Friday, July 12, at 6 p.m. at Finley’s Tap, 3236 Ginger Creek Drive (near Iles and Koke Mill). A sign-up sheet is on the board in the narthex.

2019 LCMS NATIONAL OFFERING ~ On the next two Sundays – July 7th and July 14th – a special door offering will be taken for an initial congregation gift to the 2019 LCMS National Offering. The National Offering is collected each triennium in order to help fund the work that we are doing together as the Missouri Synod. In particular, this triennium’s offering is designated to be used specifically in the national and international mission work currently (and soon to be) underway. The money is going directly to help spread the Gospel. Please prayerfully consider contributing and above and beyond gift. Please make checks out to Good Shepherd Lutheran, with “National Offering” in the memo field.

HIGHER THINGS TRIP ~ Pastor Schuermann, Betsy Lash, and four of our High School members will be at Concordia University, Chicago this Monday–Friday for an annual Higher Things conference. In case of an emergency please contact Pastor Sam Janssen at 217-416-7999, Pastor Theilen at 217-415-2311, or Pastor Bahr at 217-883-7137.

WHERE CHRISTIANITY MEETS CULTURE ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: “The Battle Hymn of the Republic” & American Wars, 1 Peter 2 on Submission to Authority, The Magdeburg Confession, A History of War Between Islam and the West and more. You can listen live or on-demand at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.