Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Posts from July 2018

Announcements for July 29, 2018

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, July 29th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week! ANNOUNCEMENTS SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN SINGING ~ Preschool through 5th grade children will be singing during the Divine Service on Sunday, 8/5.…

Announcements for July 22, 2018

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, July 22nd. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week! ANNOUNCEMENTS PASTOR SCHUERMANN ON VACATION ~ Pastor will be on vacation from 7/16 through 7/25. Pastor Hennig (622-4433) and Pastor Janssen (416-7999)…

Announcements for July 15, 2018

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, July 15th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week! ANNOUNCEMENTS PASTOR SCHUERMANN ON VACATION ~ Pastor will be on vacation from 7/16 through 7/25. Pastor Hennig (622-4433) and Pastor Janssen…

Announcements for July 8, 2018

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, July 8th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week! ANNOUNCEMENTS CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS ~ A photo session will be offered on August 14th. All of those who are pictured in the…

There’s No “I” In Church

Dear Members of the Body of Christ, It’s no stretch to say that our country is deeply divided along ideological lines. Just yesterday (as I write this), Anthony Kennedy announced he would be retiring from the Supreme Court, triggering intense hysteria or hope around various significant cultural issues like abortion, marriage, and religious liberty. Here…

Announcements for July 1, 2018

WEEKLY DEVOTIONS Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, July 1st. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week! ANNOUNCEMENTS CHURCH COOKOUT, JULY 7th ~ Join us at our next potluck and cookout for an evening of fun! Burgers and hotdogs will…