Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, March 4th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!
GREENVILLE COLLEGE CHOIR CONCERT ~ The Greenville College Choir will give a concert of sacred choral music here at Good Shepherd on Friday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m. Come hear music from many different times in the Church’s life and in many different styles.
LENTEN MIDWEEK SERVICES ~ During this year’s Lenten midweek services we’ll hear from some of Isaiah’s Servant Songs as well as the Passion account in Matthew’s Gospel, and discover how our Lord’s suffering fulfills what God promised, for our good.
- Wednesday midweek services each Wednesday for the next 4 weeks, at 7 p.m. A meal is served at 5:45 p.m. (This is a great way to be with and know your neighbors in the congregation!)
HOLY WEEK SERVICES ~ You have opportunity to hear the Word every day during Holy Week. Every Passion account will be read, and you can take a little extra time each day to walk with Jesus in “real time.”
- Palm Sunday (3/25) – Divine Service at 9 a.m.: Procession of Palms, the Rite of Confirmation, and the latter half of the Passion in St. Matthew’s Gospel.
- Holy Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (3/26-28) at 7 p.m.: Vespers, with Holy Week portions of St. John’s Gospel, and Mark and Luke’s Passion accounts.
- Holy Thursday (3/29) at 7 p.m.: The Rite of Corporate Confession and Absolution, the Lord’s Supper, and the Stripping of the Altar.
- Good Friday (3/30) at 7 p.m.: Tenebrae (Darkness) Vespers with the Passion according to St. John.
- Holy Saturday (3/31) at 9 a.m.: Spoken Matins with the Holy Saturday account from Matthew’s Gospel
- Easter Vigil on Saturday, 3/31, at 7 p.m.: This is an amazing service with God’s promise of rescue from the Old Testament, Remembrance of Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and the first Alleluias of Easter!
SCAVENGER HUNT ~ All are welcome to compete in a fun scavenger hunt on 4/8 starting at 3 p.m. We’ll end our time with a meal and sharing our pictures from the scavenger hunt. Please sign-up by 4/4.
MARCH YOUTH GROUP EVENTS ~ Jr. High and High School youth are invited to attend our regular Saturday Youth Night on 3/10 from 6-8 p.m. We’ll gather for dinner, a devotion, and games. Our second event in March is for both JH and HS youth and families. We will go to Edison’s Entertainment Complex for unlimited bowling, laser tag, and arcade, plus lunch. The cost for this event is $24/person. Sign-ups are posted in the narthex.
WORK DAY ~ Saturday, March 17, 8:30-11 am we will have a spring work day at church. If you would like to help, just come that day or call Todd Lutz 622-3364.
EASTER FLOWERS ~ Please check your mailbox for the form to order Easter flowers to help decorate the Sanctuary this Easter.
CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR THE CONFESSIONAL LUTHERAN ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. This week’s subjects include: Nihilism, Eastern Orthodoxy, God Creates Adam & Eve, 1 Samuel and more. You can listen live or at your convenience at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.