Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Posts by Rev. Michael Schuermann (Page 2)

There’s No “I” In Church

Dear Members of the Body of Christ, It’s no stretch to say that our country is deeply divided along ideological lines. Just yesterday (as I write this), Anthony Kennedy announced he would be retiring from the Supreme Court, triggering intense hysteria or hope around various significant cultural issues like abortion, marriage, and religious liberty. Here…

How Can I Help?

Dear Friends in Christ, “How can I help?” Don’t we love to hear this question asked? This question gets at the heart of what it is to be a Christian. We teach and confess, from Scripture, that the Christian life is made up of faith toward God and love towards our neighbor. What we call…

The Reformation – God’s Work

Dear Fellow Beloved, 500 years ago, Martin Luther published his 95 Theses, challenging the medieval Roman Catholic system of indulgences and the authority of the Pope to control Christ’s treasury of merit. Over the next several years, Luther’s think and writing would reflect a deeper realization of the extensive corruption of the Christian Church in…

A Time to Pray

Dear Friends in Christ, I thought I knew how to pray. I thought I was good at bringing my needs and the needs of my neighbor to the Lord in prayer. How does the saying go? “Pride goeth before a fall”? Or, as St. Paul puts it in 1 Corinthians, “Therefore let anyone who thinks…