We will be having a special Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm. Let us gather together and thank the Lord for all He has provided us!
Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class
We will be having a special Thanksgiving Eve Service on Wednesday, November 25 at 7:00 pm. Let us gather together and thank the Lord for all He has provided us!
We currently have a well stocked food pantry for those who may need this ministry at this time of uncertainy in our world. We ask that you please call the church office at 217/496-3149 to schedule an appointment to pick up a food order.
Beginning Sunday, September 13, the times of services will change. We will have a service at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. with Sunday School being held at 9:30 a.m. We are limiting 75 at each service, so we are requesting you call 217/241-8425 to register you and your family if you plan to attend one…
Starting Sunday, July 5, our Sunday morning worship services will now be held at 9 am and 10:30 am. Those wishing to attend are reminded they should call 217/241-8425 by Friday evening to schedule you and your family for one of the services. We will now be allowing 75 to attend each service. We are…
Yes! VBS is still on for this summer! Families will gather around the theme “And God Said…” exploring the power and truth of God’s Word. VBS will be a bit different this year as we work to meet together safely during this pandemic. Instead of attending five sessions of VBS, families will choose just one…
Beginning Sunday, June 14, we will have three services on Sunday morning. The schedule will be 9, 10 and 11 am. Each service will be about 35-40 minutes in length. Many familiar parts of the liturgy will return, however, congregational singing will not yet return because of health guidelines. To help schedule, please call the…
The Household Altar: Daily Devotion to the Word and Prayer In the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Readings (Family members may take turns reading the Scripture): Sun, 3/29 ….………………….. John 8:42-59 Mon, 3/30..……………….…… Genesis 22:1-14 Tue, 3/31…………………….. Hebrews 9:11-15 Wed, 4/1..………………….. Psalm 143 Thu, 4/2……………………..…
The Household Altar: Daily Devotion to the Word and Prayer In the name of the Father and of the T Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Readings (Family members may take turns reading the Scripture): Sun, 3/22 ….………………….. John 6:1-15 Mon, 3/23..……………….…… Exodus 16:2-21 Tue, 3/24…………………….. Galatians 4:21-31 Wed, 3/25..………………….. Psalm 132:8-18 Thu, 3/26……………………..…
Generosity Thoughts John 6:5b ~ “Jesus said to Philip, ‘Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?’ ” Of course, Jesus knows the answer to that question. Jesus knows how He means to care for His people. The Lord provided, and He is still providing. This knowledge frees us for generosity…
Friends in Christ, It seems change comes upon us each and every day. With the revelations that have come in the past week, along with the recommendations of federal, state, and local leaders, the decision has been made to cancel all worship services for at least the next two weeks. This includes all Sunday and…