Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Posts by gssadmin (Page 6)

fall festival-still happening!!

The weather this Sunday is not very favorable, but we still plan to have the Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat!! Everything will be moved inside of the church. Those wishing to participate in the Trunk or Treat will line up in the hallway of the eduational wing. Children will still be able to attend…

Fall Festival october 24

All are welcome to join us for an evening of food and fellowship on Sunday, October 24. You are invited to decorate your trunk and bring candy to give out during Trunk or Treat from 4:00-5:00 pm. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorated trunks! Dinner will include a wiener roast and potluck. We…

times of service

We are currently having Divine Service with Holy Communion on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. Face masks are optional at this time. Pastor Bahr and Pastor Theilen take turns leading the service. Sunday School and Adult Bible Study is held at 10:30 am. There is a time of fellowship with coffee and donuts at 10:15…


Join us for Vacation Bible School on June 21-24 from 6:00-8:00 pm. To make it through this unknown world safely, kids need a guide who can keep them on the right path. At Rainforest Explorers, learn how Jesus is our ultimate guide in the rainforest and our lives. He leads us to the treasure of eternal…

food pantry

We are very thankful to the local Boy Scouts for their recent food drive. Our shelves are overflowing and we are wanting to share this with the community. If you or someone you know, may benefit from our food pantry, please have them call the church office at 217/496-3149 to schedule an appointment to receive…

change of service

Beginning Sunday, May 2, we will return to having one service at 9:00 am with Sunday School and Adult Bible Class at 10:30 am. We will have a time of fellowship with coffee and donuts after the service. There will be no need to register your family if you plan to attend. The congregation will…


Following are services for Holy Week ~ Sunday, March 28 – Palm Sunday – 8:30 am and 10:30 am Holy Monday Vespers – 7 pm Holy Tuesday Vespers – 7 pm Holy Wednesday Vespers – 7 pm Maundy Thursday – 7 pm Good Friday Tenebrae – 7 pm Holy Saturday Matins – 9 am Easter…

ash wednesday service

We will be having an Ash Wednesday Service on February 17 at 7 pm. This is the beginning of the Lenten Season. We will continue with a Wednesday evening Lenten Service each Wednesday for the following five weeks till March 24. We ask that you please register your family if you wish to attend by…

christmas eve and christmas day

We are having two services on Christmas Eve. The first at 7 pm will feature special pre-service music and special music during the service by youth of the congregation. We also will have a service at 11 pm with a special piano/organ duet. Christmas Day we will have divine service at 10 am. Holy Communion…


We are once again having beautiful red poinsettias to decorate the Chancel for Christmas. If you would like to give one in memory of a loved one or give to the Glory of God, please contact the church office at 217/496-3149.