Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Posts by gssadmin (Page 5)

jr high and high school youth

Jr and Sr High youth have returned to having monthly meetings. For the month of March they will meet on Sunday, March 20 from 4:30 to 6 pm. Pizza will be ordered and the youth should have $2 for that. All friends are invited to attend.

3rd-5th grade youth

On Saturday, March 12 all youth in the 3rd-5th grade are invited to attend “Games in the Dark.” Each youth should bring their own flashlight for a fun evening of games in the dark. The event will be held from 6:30-8:30 pm.

family volleyball

Sunday, March 27 at 11:30 am, all are welcome to come and play, watch or cheer one another one as we play volleyball in the fellowship hall. Pizza will be ordered for lunch and families are asked to bring a side or dessert to share. A sign up is available in the narthex.

boy scout food drive

We are pleased that the Boy Scouts of the Williamsville/Sherman area are having their food drive again. Food collected from this event will benefit our food pantry. We are needing volunteers to help us on Saturday, March 19 beginning at approximately 9 am. We need help sorting, labeling and organizing the shelves. If any youth…

lenten suppers

As has been the tradition at Good Shepherd, we will be having a meal before each Lenten Service. The first service is Ash Wednesday, March 2. The meal will be served by Friends in Faith at 5:45 pm. We encourage other groups or individuals within the congregation to sign up to provide one of these…

choir prACTICE

Pastor Matthew Schneider will be leading the choir and has scheduled practices to be held on Thursday evenings at 5:45 pm. All current and any new members are welcome to attend. The first Sunday the choir will sing during service is Sunday, March 6.

voter’s meeting

The first Voter’s meeting of the year will be held on Sunday, February 20 at 6:30 pm. All eligible voters are encouraged to be in attendance. If anyone would like to become a voting member, please attend this meeting and you will be eligible to vote at the next meeting. Chairman Bob Saner will lead…

5th Sunday potluck

Everyone is invited to attend the 5th Sunday potluck on January 30 at 11:30 am. We have previously had these but in the past two years we have suspended having these. This is a time of food and fellowship for everyone. We ask that you please bring a main dish, side or dessert to share.…

it’s back!! silent auction and potluck

After a two year absence, the Friends in Faith will have their silent auction and potluck on Sunday, February 13 at 11:30 am. This is one of the major fund raisers for Friends in Faith and this event is always a lot of fun!! There will be a variety of items to bid on: children’s…


We are pleased to announce we have a new event this year. Everyone is invited to join us on Saturday, December 11 from 8-10 am for our first Breakfast in Bethlehem! We will be serving a free pancake breakfast along with sausage, biscuits & gravy and fruit cup. We will have live music and you…