Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

ANNOUNCEments february 23, 2020

ASH WEDNESDAY SERVICE ~ will be held on Wednesday, 2/26 at 7:00 p.m. Pastors Theilen will lead the service that night, then he and Pastor Bahr will take turns leading the Wednesday Lenten Services.
LENTEN SUPPER ~ We still have some dates available for a group or individuals within the congregation to serve a meal before Lenten services. Check the sign-up sheet today!
BLOOD DRIVE ~ TOMORROW 2/24 ~ The Central Illinois Community Blood Center bloodmobile will be in the parking lot from 3-6 pm.
LUTHERAN LAYMEN’S LEAGUE ~ will hold their annual district meeting on Saturday 3/7 at Christ Lutheran Church in Normal. Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz will be the speaker. Registration fee is $15 and deadline to register is 3/2. More details are on the flyer in the narthex.

WOODCUTTERS’ RETREAT ~ Camp CILCA Woodcutters’ Retreat is coming on February 28-29. Bring your ax, chainsaw, log splitter and work gloves to cut, split and stack firewood. Bring your Bible to dig into the Sermon on the Mount. A donation of $30 will cover lodging in the Christian Growth Center, snacks and 3 meals. Check in on Friday at 7 pm and retreat will be done by Saturday 6 pm. Call 487-7497 to register.
LUTHERAN HOUR ~ Is available on WTIM (96.1 FM) in Taylorville on Sunday mornings at 7:30 a.m.
TRIVIA WITH A TWIST ~ The next 3rd-5th Grade youth event is 3/14 from 3:00-5:00. We’ll play a game of trivia with some twists thrown in for fun! Sign-up today!
FAMILY LENTEN GATHERING ~ All families are encouraged to come put together devotional materials that may be used in your homes throughout Lent. We will meet on 3/7 at 4:00. All materials will be provided. Please sign-up by 3/1.