Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, December 31st. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!
TWELFTH NIGHT PARTY ~ Let’s get together on the last evening of the Christmas season – the Twelfth Night – for some food and fun! The festivities begin at 6 PM on Friday, January 5th, in the parish hall. We’ll share a potluck dinner, sing Christmas hymns, and play a game or two. Sign-up today!
EPIPHANY DIVINE SERVICE ~ Come to celebrate the last of the major Christmas season feasts – Epiphany, the Christmas of the Gentiles – on January 6th, at 7 p.m. There is no meal beforehand, since there’s a potluck meal the night before for the congregation’s Twelfth Night Party. And plan to also come to the Sunday Divine Service on January 7th as we hear about the Baptism of Our Lord.
CLEANUP WORKDAY ON JANUARY 6TH ~ Come and help take down the Advent and Christmas decorations on Saturday, January 6th, beginning at 9 a.m. The Altar Guild will take down the Chrismons and other workers will help take down the garland, wreaths, etc., and finally the tree. We’ll also work to reorganize some of the storage in the Parish Hall attic to accommodate everything that’s up there. Many hands make light work!
THE REVELATION TO ST. JOHN BIBLE STUDY ~ Beginning next Sunday, January 7th, Pastor will be leading a study of Revelation in the Adult Scripture Study on Sunday mornings. We’ll learn what comfort this book of the Bible is for us, and how a whole lot of what you hear in Christian media about it misses the mark.
PROGRESSIVE DINNER FOR ADULTS ~ All adults are invited to attend the annual progressive dinner on Saturday, January 13th. We will start at 5 pm at Perry & Nadine Kraft’s home (25 Cabin Smoke Trail at the Rail) with appetizers and at 6:45 we will go to the church fellowship hall for dessert and a $15 “nice gift” exchange. Sign up sheet is in the narthex. If you have questions, please call Joan Dannewitz 899-0141.
LUTHERAN TALK AND MUSIC FOR THE CHRISTMAS SEASON ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. Upcoming topics include: The Hymn “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming”, Apparent Contradictions on the Genealogies of Christ, Top Religion Stories of 2017, and many more. You can listen to what you want when you want at www.issuesetc.org and on the Lutheran Public Radio mobile app.
CAMP CILCA BANQUET ~ You are invited to the Camp CILCA Annual Banquet from 5-8 p.m. on January 28, 2018 at the fellowship hall of Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Springfield. The evening includes musical entertainment, dinner, and guest presenter Rev. Dr. Joel Heck who will speak about the importance of Creation for Christian faith and life. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased from the camp office at 217-415-2311 or camp@cilca.org. Child care will also be available for $5.
DODGEBALL ~ Jr. High Youth, let’s play dodgeball on 1/13 from 3-5 pm! We’ll also enjoy an ice cream sundae. Please bring $2 and invite a friend! Sign-up by 1/12.
TRIVIA FUNDRAISER ~ All are invited to play a fun game of trivia on 1/26 beginning at 7pm. The cost to play is $10/person and all funds received will benefit the youth groups. Please sign-up by 1/24.
SATURDAY YOUTH NIGHT ~ Jr. High and High School Youth are encouraged to attend the January Youth Night on 1/27 from 6-8pm. We’ll share a meal together, a devotion, and play some games! Sign-up by 1/27 at noon.