Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class


LENTEN SERVICE ~ This Wednesday, 3/18 at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Bahr will lead the service.
LENTEN SUPPER ~ No cooking and no clean up! We hope many of you will attend the Lenten supper this week at 6 pm. Monday Bible Class will serve the meal. The menu will consist of chicken and dumplings, vegetables, salad, rolls and dessert.
MID-MONTH MEAL ~ Will be today at 11:30 am. Each family should bring an entrée, side and/or dessert to share.
MEN’S BREAKFAST BIBLE CLASS ~ This class will resume on Thursday 3/19 at 6:30 am. All men of the congregation are welcome to attend. Don James will lead the class using topics from “Good News” magazine.

COOKS NEEDED ~ Camp CILCA is in need of one or two assistant cooks to prepare meals for outdoor education, weekend retreats and the summer camp program. Starting pay is between $12-$14 per hour. Contact the camp office at 487-7497 or camp@cilca.org for more information.
STIER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP ~ This scholarship has been established by the Stier family in memory of Isaac David Stier who at the age of 3 months died from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
This scholarship is open to any member of Good Shepherd who will be enrolled in an institution of higher learning this fall. Applications are available from the church office and April 15 is deadline to apply. Any questions may be directed to Dave Stier at dstier90@gmail.com