Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Announcements march 1

LENTEN SERVICE ~ This Wednesday, 3/4 at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Bahr will lead the service.

LENTEN SUPPER ~ No cooking and no clean up! We hope many of you will attend the Lenten supper this week at 6 pm. Joe Stotlar is preparing the meal. The menu will consist of maid rites, salad, relish tray, chips and dessert.

LUTHERAN LAYMEN’S LEAGUE ~ will hold their annual district meeting on Saturday 3/7 at Christ Lutheran Church in Normal. Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz will be the speaker. Registration fee is $15 and deadline to register is 3/2. More details are on the flyer in the narthex.

FRIDAY NIGHT OUT ~ We will be going to Fox Run which is near Scheels on Friday 3/13 at 6 pm. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board.

BOY SCOUT FOOD DRIVE ~ Will be held on Saturday, 3/14. We are asking for volunteers that morning to help as the food arrives. If interested, please contact the church office.

TRIVIA WITH A TWIST ~ The next 3rd-5th Grade youth event is 3/14 from 3:00-5:00. We’ll play a game of trivia with some twists thrown in for fun! Sign-up today!

FAMILY LENTEN GATHERING ~ All families are encouraged to come put together devotional materials that may be used in your homes throughout Lent. We will meet on 3/7 at 4:00. All materials will be provided. Please sign-up by 3/1.

BABY SHOWER TEA AND FASHION SHOW ~ The Springfield Zone LWML are hosting this event on Sunday, 3/15 at 1:30 p.m. at Trinity School. More details are on the yellow flyer on the bulletin board.

COOKS NEEDED ~ Camp CILCA is in need of one or two assistant cooks to prepare meals for outdoor education, weekend retreats and the summer camp program. Starting pay is between $12-$14 per hour. Contact the camp office at 487-7497 or camp@cilca.org for more information.