Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Announcements for September 29, 2019


Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, September 29th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!



LWML SUNDAY ~ On Sunday, October 6th, mite boxes will be collected. If you have on at home, please bring it in on the 6th. If you’d like a mite box to fill this week and bring back, see Joan Dannewitz or Nancy Holmes.

FALL FESTIVAL & TRUNK OR TREAT ~ Late afternoon and evening of Sunday, October 27th. Make plans to come and enjoy giving out, or receiving, candy and then stick around for a wonderful cookout and potluck with your Good Shepherd family and guests!

SANCTUARY CHOIR & BAND ~ Help with the music of the Divine Service! Be a part of the Sanctuary Choir or Sanctuary Band. Rehearsals are underway!
– Choir (Wed. 5:45–6:45): Oct 9, 16, 30
– Band (Sun. 6:00-6:30): Oct 20
Speak with or contact Susan Lutz for more information.

ADULT CATECHESIS ~ An adult instruction class will begin in late September and run through the fall. We’ll meet on Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. from September 29th until early December. This class will cover the six chief parts of the Christian Faith, and serves to prepare adults for communion at Good Shepherd. Interested? Want to invite someone? Speak with Pastor Schuermann.

LUTHERAN HIGH BRUNCH ~ Sunday, October 20th, make plans to go over to Lutheran High School (3500 West Washington Street in Springfield) after Divine Service and Sunday School to eat and support your Lutheran High School. Food is served until 1 p.m. Adults are $10 and children $5.

EDUCATION & EDIFICATION ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: Pastoral Care for Members with Dementia/Alzheimer’s, Christ’s Victory, Jacob’s Dream, The Ordination of a Minister and more. You can listen live or on-demand at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.