Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, November 4th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!
MID-MONTH MEAL ~We don’t need to wait for a special occasion to feast together, so let’s start gathering in the parish hall after Sunday School the 3rd Sunday of every month for a potluck. If every family brings one entrée along with a side or dessert, we’ll always have plenty to eat no matter who can come. No need to RSVP every month. Just bring your food, your family, and a healthy appetite the 3rd Sunday of every month, and let’s break bread together. November 18th will be our inaugural Mid-Month Meal, so mark your calendars! Questions? Talk to Katie Schuermann.
SPECIAL ICE MAKER OFFERING ~ There is a special envelope in your mailbox for the purpose of raising funds for an ice maker. The cost is estimated at $2,000 and we currently have received $1410.00, leaving $590.00 to go.
CAMP CILCA MEN’S TARGET SHOOTING RETREAT ~ This is being held 11/9 &10. Hear Rev. Jonathan Fisk give permission for men to be men. Bring your own firearms and ammunition. Cost is $65 per person and includes overnight lodging and 3 meals on Saturday. Call 487-7497 for more information.
JR. HIGH MINI LOCK-IN ~ All Jr. High students are encouraged to get together for an evening of fun on 11/16 from 6:30-11:00 p.m.! Tons of games are planned, as well as dinner and a devotion. Sign-up by 11/15 and invite a friend!
NOVEMBER YOUTH NIGHT ~ Our next Saturday Youth Night is on 11/17 from 6-8 p.m. for all Jr. High and High School youth. Join us for dinner, a devotion, a service project, and games. Sign-up by 11/17 at noon.
LANDSCAPE PROJECT ~ One of the final steps of our building project is to landscape the new building addition and update landscaping along our existing building to match it. You can see the landscaping in person, as it is now installed!. Will you please consider making a special financial gift to help pay to beautify the front of our Lord’s building here in Sherman? Envelopes are available on the table.
INFORMATIONAL VOTERS’ MEETING ~ Sunday, 11/11 at 6:30 pm. At this meeting the budget will be presented.
NOVEMBER VOTERS’ MEETING ~Sunday, 11/18, at 6:30 p.m. Amongst business to be conducted is the adoption of a budget for 2019, congregation nominations for LCMS President and Vice-Presidents, and other LCMS business.
MOTHER/DAUGHTER BANQUET & STYLE SHOW~All ladies are invited to attend the banquet and style show to be held on Tuesday, 11/13. We will begin with a complimentary supper served at 6 pm by Friends in Faith, followed by the style show. Door prizes will be awarded. Please RSVP on the sheet on the bulletin board or email Joan Dannewitz at hotpoint45@hotmail.com.
SANCTIFYING YOUR VOCATIONS WITH THE WORD OF GOD ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: “The Flesh” in the Bible, The Book of Hosea, The Ten Commandments, Jesus Raises a Girl, Liturgical Worship and more. You can listen at your convenience at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.