Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, November 25th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!
JUNIOR ALTAR GUILD ~ Calling all daughters of the congregation! Advent and Christmas are soon upon us, and there is much decorating to do. The Altar Guild would like to invite you to join them for the following festive activities this winter:
- Saturday, December 1, 10:00 AM – Decorate the sanctuary and Christmas tree
- Saturday, December 22, 10:00 AM – Arrange poinsettias around the chancel
- Saturday, January 6, 11:30 AM – Take down the sanctuary Christmas tree and decorations
Cookies and hot chocolate will be provided. Won’t you please join us?
SANCTUARY DECORATING ~ Help is needed on Saturday, December 1st at 8 a.m. to help set up the tree, and get out and set up other decorations for Advent and Christmas.
ADVENT RECEPTION ~ Pastor & Katie Schuermann would like to say “Blessed Advent” to all of you by providing the refreshments in the fellowship hall on Sunday, 12/2. Homemade gingerbread, cookies, scones, and goodies will abound, so please plan on joining us after the service for a cup of Advent Cheer!
ADVENT MIDWEEK SERVICES ~ We begin our Advent devotion to the Scriptures on Wednesday, 12/5. Service is at 7 p.m., with a meal served beforehand at 5:45 p.m. This is one of those special Lutheran “extras” that helps us prepare for the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, at Christmas!
DECEMBER YOUTH EVENTS ~ See the youth bulletin board for dates and times of the youth events offered next month and to sign-up. Events include our regular Saturday Youth Night, the Christmas Movie Marathon, and a lunch outing for the HS youth.
POINSETTIAS ~ Forms to order poinsettias to help decorate the chancel for Christmas are on the table in the Narthex. Please make checks payable to Craig Schultz and return to the church office by December 9.
SPECIAL ICE MAKER OFFERING ~ The cost is estimated at $2,000. We have received gifts totaling $1599.90, leaving approximately $400 to go. Thank you!
LANDSCAPE PROJECT ~ You can see the landscaping in person, as it is now installed!. Envelopes are available on the table. We have received or had committed $8663 towards the project. Please consider a special year-end gift to help cover the full cost of the work!
PROGRESSIVE DINNER ~ All adults are invited to attend our annual progressive dinner on Saturday, January 5th, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. starting with appetizes at Perry & Nadine Kraft’s home (25 Cabin Smoke Trl), followed by dessert and a $15.00 gift exchange in the parish hall at 7 p.m. If you are interested in attending this fun event, please fill out the sign-up sheet in the narthex. If you have any questions, please contact Joan Dannewitz at (217)899-0141.
GAME NIGHT & WHITE ELEPHANT GIFT EXCHANGE ~ Bring your favorite board game and join us for our next game night on 12/8 at 5 p.m. Pizza will be served for dinner, please bring a side or dessert to share. We’ll also have a white elephant gift exchange- see the sign-up sheet for more info!
DECLARING TO YOU THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken. This week’s teachings include: The Movie “The Nutcracker,” The Book of Joel, Hallowed By Thy Name, Responding to Calvinist Proof Texts and more. You can listen at your convenience at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.