Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

Announcements for October 28, 2018


Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, October 28th. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!



FALL FESTIVAL ~ Join us this evening for the annual Fall Festival! The fun includes: Trunk or Treat (4:30-5:30), followed by a bonfire and wiener roast, bounce house, hayrides, face painting, and more! Bring your lawn chairs and a dish to share for the potluck.

SPECIAL ICE MAKER OFFERING ~ There is a special envelope in your mailbox for the purpose of raising funds for an ice maker. The cost is estimated at $2,000 and we currently have received $1310.00, leaving $690.00 to go.

FAMILY CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE ~ The sign-up sheet is posted for age 3 through 7thgrade students to indicate their participation in the service on Dec. 24th  at 6 p.m.

PASSWORD ~ Come play the popular game show right here at Good Shepherd on 11/3! We will start with dinner at 5:30 and then mix and match teams for the game. All ages can play! Pizza and drinks will be provided; please sign-up and bring a side or dessert to share.

MID-MONTH MEAL ~ We don’t need to wait for a special occasion to feast together, so let’s start gathering in the parish hall after Sunday School the 3rd Sunday of every month for a potluck. If every family brings one entrée along with a side or dessert, we’ll always have plenty to eat no matter who can come. No need to RSVP every month. Just bring your food, your family, and a healthy appetite the 3rd Sunday of every month, and let’s break bread together. November 18th will be our inaugural Mid-Month Meal, so mark your calendars! Questions? Talk to Katie Schuermann.

LANDSCAPE PROJECT ~ One of the final steps of our building project is to landscape the new building addition and update landscaping along our existing building to match it. Renderings provided by Tripp Landscaping are on a table in the narthex, along with other information on the project. Will you please consider making a special financial gift to help pay to beautify the front of our Lord’s building here in Sherman? Envelopes are available on the table.

INFORMATIONAL VOTERS’ MEETING ~ Sunday, 11/11 at 6:30 pm. At this meeting the budget will be presented. The Regular Voters’ Meeting is the following Sunday, 11/18, at 6:30 p.m.

BOOK SIGNING ~ We will host a meet-and-greet with authors of Emmanuel Press’s latest release, He Restores My Soul, on Thursday, November 1, at 6:30 PM. The event is open to the public and includes a cookie reception, a presentation made by the authors on the writing process, and a book signing. Copies of He Restores My Soul will be available for purchasing.

MOTHER/DAUGHTER BANQUET & STYLE SHOW ~ All ladies are invited to attend the banquet and style show to be held on Tuesday, 11/13. We will begin with a complimentary supper served at 6 pm by Friends in Faith, followed by the style show. Door prizes will be awarded. Please RSVP on the sheet on the bulletin board or email Joan Dannewitz at hotpoint45@hotmail.com.

PATHS TO LUTHERANISM SERIES ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL and hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken.  You can listen to guests detail their journeys to Lutheranism from Atheism, Agnosticism, Anglicanism, Islam, Roman Catholicism, Calvinism, Charismatic Revivalism, Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism.  You can listen on-demand at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.