Here is the Blue Sheet home devotional for the week of Sunday, July 1st. Please download and use in your household to sanctify your home with the Word and prayer this week!
CHURCH COOKOUT, JULY 7th ~ Join us at our next potluck and cookout for an evening of fun! Burgers and hotdogs will be provided. Please bring a side or dessert to share. We’ll get started around 5 p.m. Weather permitting, we will be outside, so please bring a lawn game to play if you have one. Please sign up by today if possible, so we can have enough burgers and dogs!
PASTOR SCHUERMANN OUT OF TOWN ~ Along with Betsy and the youth, Pastor Schuermann will be in Minnesota from Monday, 7/2 – Friday, 7/6. If there is a pastoral emergency, please call Pastor Hennig at 217-622-4433. He will immediately attend to the need and will contact Pastor Theilen or Pastor Bahr for continued pastoral care.
LET’S READ JOHN’S GOSPEL TOGETHER ~ Continuing this week, Monday–Friday on the Devotions side of the Blue Sheet will be dedicated to reading through the Gospel of John. Let’s do this together! Please take time to read through this Gospel with everyone in your household throughout the week, and we’ll all end up reading it together!
YOUTH READING THROUGH JOHN ~ Come and join Pastor Schuermann and other High School Youth (just out of 8th grade through just-graduated Seniors) of the congregation on Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. (No meeting for the next few weeks. Stay tuned for resuming in late July/early August!)
CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS ~ A photo session will be offered on August 14th. Stay tuned for a sign-up sheet to be posted very soon in the narthex.
JUNIOR ALTAR GUILD ~ Are you a daughter of this congregation? Do you want to learn more about how to care for the candles, flowers, banners, paraments, and vessels in the chancel? Then join the ladies of the altar guild in the sanctuary from 9:00-11:00 AM on Saturday, August 4th, to learn how to set the altar for the Divine Service. Cookies will be served afterward. See the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the narthex for details.
NO DIVINE SERVICE ON WEDNESDAY, 7/4 ~ Due to the July 4th holiday, we anticipate little to no attendance at this Wednesday Divine Service. We will resume offering Divine Service again on Wednesday, July 11th.
THEATER IN THE PARK ~ Our August first weekend event takes us to New Salem to see the musical “Oliver!” The show is on 8/3 at 8 p.m. In order to qualify for the group rate of $12/ticket, we will need to have at least 10 people in our group by 7/1. Sign-up today!
JULY YOUTH EVENT ~ The Jr. High youth are invited to come over to the Lash’s house for a pool party on 7/29 from 1:00-3:30 p.m. Bring a towel and a snack to share! Sign-up today!
A MOBILE LUTHERAN BIBLE STUDY ~ Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show and podcast hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. This week’s subjects include: The Psalms, The Mass, John the Baptist & Repentance, The Prophet Isaiah and more. You can listen live or at your convenience at www.issuesetc.org and on the LPR mobile app.