Divine Services
9:00 a.m. Sunday
10:30 a.m. Sunday School &
Adult Bible Class

He Is Risen!

Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

What joyous, wonderful words we Christians have to greet one another with during this Easter season! Thanks be to God: it wasn’t enough that sin should be paid for by Jesus on the cross. No, God the Father also raised Him from the dead, a sure and certain promise that we too will arise on the Last Day. And even today we, being baptized into Christ’s death and resurrection, arise every day in newness of life.

Many have lost loved ones during this last year. In Christ they now merely rest from their labors, awaiting that Last Day when He returns and calls them forth from the grave to live bodily with Him forever. You, too, have this to look forward to. We will all be together again in eternity with our Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God!

As we enter into our Easter season, thousand, thousand thanks are due to so many brothers and sisters in Christ for their diligent work during Lent and Holy Week.

  • The Church’s music brings such joy to my heart. Thank you to Susan Lutz, Joan Dannewitz, Katie Schuermann, Gary Clack, Terry Clack, Ben Poyer, Kim Nielson, Nadine Kraft, Betsy Lash, Jacqueline Roesler, Pam Roesler, Paula Redenius, Angie Peifer, Jan Parris, Katie Vasel, Hannah Wiegand, and indeed the whole congregation for the stunning sung proclamation of Jesus Christ crucified throughout Lent and Holy Week. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  • Thank you to all those individuals and groups who helped feed us such delicious meals every Wednesday throughout Lent. All the meals were delicious, and your service to us was a blessing.
  • Thank you to all those who made the commitment and attended throughout the week that is Holy. I was very much edified by hearing the Passion of our Lord in the various Gospels. I hope that you were too. For next year, I hope you will share with others the joy of sitting with Christ throughout the week.
  • Thank you to Larry Wachtel, Bob and Agnes Gordon, and all those who helped with, and brought food for, our Easter breakfast. Thanks be to God for the generosity and culinary excellence of this congregation!

With the Easter season now upon us, I pray that you’ll continue to gather here at Good Shepherd to hear the precious Gospel of our Lord Jesus crucified and risen. I pray that you’ll continue to gather to be fed with His crucified and resurrected body and blood for the forgiveness of your sins.

I continue to remember you in my prayers. With Lent and Holy Week behind us I plan to resume a more regular visitation of you in your homes. Please also be praying for me, that I would continue to preach the Gospel fully and be a faithful pastor to you all.

Other Miscellanea
Praying Matins in the Morning

You’ve possibly seen the half-sheet in your mailbox or inserted in the bulletin, but at least as a reminder: you’re invited to come and pray Matins on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:15 a.m. at Good Shepherd. It should last about 20-25 minutes, so that all can get to work or school on time.

We’ll begin praying Matins together on Tuesday, May 6th. If you’d like a Treasury of Daily Prayer to use for this purpose, see Pastor Schuermann. Or you can purchase an app version called  PrayNow for iOS, Android, or Kindle Fire.

Sunday Morning Scripture Study

We’ll pick up in Genesis again, starting with the account of Abraham. The Divine Service on Sunday morning is the chief thing, but it’s also a good and Christian practice to study the word together, being taught by the pastor that Christ has given. I hope you’ll be there with us on Sunday mornings.

Issues, Etc.

I’ve included short blurbs about Issues, Etc. in the bulletin and newsletter in the past. I’d like to issue a hearty recommendation for this radio program to all of you. It is thoroughly Lutheran and covers a wide range of topics, both modern-day cultural topics as well as doctrinal and scriptural studies and discussions. You can stream it on demand at issuesetc.org. You can also subscribe to it as a podcast if that is your preference. They also now offer a 24-hour stream of episodes at the site that you can stream anytime.

Issues, Etc. was a critical factor in my growth as a Christian and a Lutheran. Let me encourage you to try and take advantage of it sometime during your week. You won’t regret it.

Those behind Issues, Etc. also run a 24-hour sacred music online radio station called Lutheran Public Radio. It is phenomenal, and I believe you’d discover some marvelous music there – perhaps even a new favorite! It can be accessed at LutheranPublicRadio.org

Issues, Etc. is one of our mission partners at a Good Shepherd. We are helping them reach listeners around the world with the wonderful Gospel of Jesus Christ crucified for sin and raised for our justification. I hope you’ll take advantage of the for your own growth in the Faith.

How to be a Lutheran Class

Beginning Sunday, May 4th, from 6:30-7:30 p.m., a class will be offered that covers the basics of being a Lutheran: Why we do what we do, why we believe what we believe, why we teach what we teach. Would you join us? Talk to Pastor Schuermann for more info.